Our History

We would like to introduce "Angels of Mercy, God's hands and God's feet". We are a small group of doers of the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We were called to do our part to assist our fellow brothers and sisters in need by offering meals on the third Sunday of each month. We prepare and package meals, personal need kits and cloths and take them out to the streets wherever there's a need. To give a little background on our group, our founder, Tamara Brown, has always had a desire to help people however she could. She grew up being her grandmother's road buddy when she would cook for whoever was hungry and needed a home cooked meal. Her grandmother, Lou Catheryn Williams, home was dubbed "Williams Welcome Inn" by family members.

Lou was given the name Angel of Mercy by her Jerusalem Temple of Chicago, Illinois church family. Tamara could no longer ignore this calling when she literally heard the Lord speak to her about the abundance of food that was left over after an event she planned and orchestrated for a client. The Lord simply said to her, "give it away" after she wondered what to do with so much leftover food. Ironically, the event was on Saturday May 19 the birth date of her now deceased grandmother. Being obedient, on Sunday May 20 Angels of Mercy, God's hands & God's feet was on the streets passing out meals to all who came. Matthew 25:40 states: "And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me."

We feel blessed that God would even consider using us in His kingdom building. Please pray for us as we serve meals to those in need as unto the Lord.

Thank you for your support!


Lou Catheryn Williams

Lou Catheryn Williams

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